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q select: SELECT products.*, prodcat_weight.price as prodweightprice, min(products_atts.pricedisc) as pricediscfrom, min(products_atts.price) as pricefrom, min(products_atts.pricex) as pricexfrom, count(products_atts.product_id) as attcount, products_images.filename as thefile, avg(stars) as thestars, prodcomments.approved as approvedreview from prodcat_weight inner join products on products.prod_id=prodcat_weight.prod_id inner join products_filters as fl1 on products.id=fl1.product_id inner join products_filters as fl2 on products.id=fl2.product_id inner join products_filters as fl3 on products.id=fl3.product_id left join products_atts on products.id=products_atts.product_id left join products_images on products.prod_id=products_images.prod_id and products_images.firstimg=1 left join prodcomments on products.id=prodcomments.product_id WHERE prodcat_weight.cat_id in (532,534,535,536,533,547,531,523,550,542,530,551,548,549,538,546,543,537,540,539,541,525) and prodcat_weight.hidden='0' and ((fl1.filter_id='1004') and (fl2.filter_id='1009') and (fl3.filter_id='1001') ) group by products.id order by prodcat_weight.weight ASC, products.id desc LIMIT 0, 100

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